Thursday, February 17, 2011

My New Favorite Website.

So...just very recently (maybe half an hour ago?) I decided that I would spend less time on facebook. I wrote the previous blog post (see previous blog post) and then set about to find a new website to occupy my time.

Where did I end up you ask?? I have read a few articles written for women twice my age, and have taken a few quizzes which have shown me that I am in fact pursuing a career path that suits my personality, and also that I have an acceptable level of love for myself. Which I suppose are slightly useful things to know.

This trek to came about from my google search of "happy people" from the previous post...which has since led me around the site where I have gained much insight into the lives of middle-aged women.

What am I doing with my time...

Wasting My Life Away.

There are some things I would like to accomplish during my lifetime.

I would enjoy writing a book.

Or a musical.

Or doing something even slightly artistic and useful.

But I cannot do these things because I spend my entire life on FACEBOOK.

(if you don't...DO NOT GET ONE!)

This stupid website has me hooked for hours, creeping on people.

I spend my life stalking other people as they actually live theirs.

(people-- not me-- LIVING. Whaaaattt??)

Something needs to change, here!!