Saturday, July 31, 2010

Ga Ga Ooh La La?

I cannot handle this red hair... this mass of ridiculousness on my head is bad decision 2010 (like actually).

I had a little girl tell me today that "my hair is very colorful".
What is it with children being ridiculously blunt lately? :)

Well thanks, kid... I have now purchased a box of "extra light ash blonde" dye, and I don't even care if my hair falls out in the process... :)

I have a feeling I'm going to end up looking a little something like Lady Gaga... the girl on the front of the box has really light hair... but at least it won't be red??

So, that's the plan for tonight.

Third time's the charm, right??


Friday, July 30, 2010

That Other Time at Dance Camp.

Today, somewhere between line dancing with the nine-year-olds in my class to "Turkey in the Straw" and learning the hula, a part of me died.

I suppose I'll have a few good stories to tell my grandchildren later on in life, and I guess that the "Lauren Takes a Children's Dance Class and Flails Around to Hawaiian Music" story will be one of them.

At least my life is interesting?? :)


Thursday, July 29, 2010

Bad Decisions and How Not to Make Them.

If you ever wake up one morning thinking "My hair looks so boring. I think I'll dye it with streaks of some color resembling an orange highlighter..." please don't.

You will spend the next 12 hours trying to devise a scheme to "fix" it, which will involve a polling of your family members in an attempt to determine the proper color to re-dye your hair, a trip to Rite-Aid, and finally an intense hair dying session where you try to blend together all of the assorted colors that are currently in your hair [the results of previous bad ideas] by putting "light reddish blonde" over the whole thing.

In the end, my hair doesn't look too crazy, but it was certainly a process to get it here :)

This is not to say that I won't get bored with my hair again and dye it some other insane color in a few months because I'm sure I will, BUT... if you're going for orange, stay away from the highlighter shade. :)


The Wedding Singer.

My life is like a movie.

You know that one part of basically every romantic drama where the guy and girl break up, but then everywhere they go, they continually find random things that remind them of the other person, until they decide that they have to turn around from wherever they were going and dramatically sprint back into each others' arms?

That's what's happening to me with The Wedding Singer.

One of my teachers in class today said "tricky situation". Who even says that anyway? Of course, it's Kelsey's line from the show, which had me standing there [in ballet class with a bunch of small children--read post below] thinking "it's a tricky situation, first fight, i've seen couples face disaster..." wishing I was wearing my blonde curly hair and running through the mall scene in my dental hygienist outfit.

In stage makeup class, the lady who taught it [who looked like a freaking clown, by the way... i think that's how she actually does her makeup, too, which is insane...] happened to have Heather's eye shadow. What are the odds that this random old woman who lives in California and looks like she put every product on her face in ridiculously massive quantities would have Heather's exact same eye shadow palette? *sigh* I really liked that bright 80's blue.

I miss and love you all. <3

<3 lauren

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

This One Time at Dance Camp.

Here i am in California... and my dad signed me up for this dance camp.
I can't blame all of this on him... he asked me if I wanted to go and I told him to sign me up...

Today was my first day there.

Within the time span of 10-2:30, I experienced:

1. a lot little kids staring at me and whispering things... i am, unfortunately, "that girl who takes class with the little kids".
2. had a girl ask me why I wasn't wearing a green leotard (we're in the "green group"... and therefore we all color-coordinate our clothing? note that everyone else except for the one boy in my group and one other girl had on a green leotard. guess what i'll be wearing tomorrow...)
3. had this same little girl inform me that my ballet shoes were the old kind, ask me how old i was, ask me if i drove, ask me what kind of car i had, ask me if i lived at home, and what my first and second favorite colors were. awesome. (this is when you know your life is pathetic.)

This is technically day two of this eighteen day camp.
Oh man.


The Beginning.

It's crazy to think that The Wedding Singer is really over.
I've spent about three months with a bunch of really awesome people, and I miss them.
It was a great experience, and we will all always be able to keep that with us.
Thank you guys.

Now I have a month here in California before I go back home, and then about a week before I head off to school again for sophomore year.

Sophomore. What?! This is insane.

Soon, I will be out of school and attempting to figure out my life. Which is crazy to think about. On one hand, there are so many things that I want to do and so many things I want to get involved with, which is really exciting. On the other hand, there are so many times that I feel like I'm about twelve years old... like I'm too young to run full speed ahead into the "real world", but that I'm going to have to anyway.

Ready or not, here I come.

How old does someone have to get before life and new experiences become easy to handle? Does that ever come, or do people who have been around a little bit longer just know how to hide their fear a little bit more?
