Every college kid knows that Facebook is an integral part of the learning process.
Not only can we stalk our friends/people we have never seen before in our lives, but posting the perfect Facebook status helps today's youth learn to create concise and witty one-liners every single day.
(or, depending upon mood, perhaps a deep and emotional sentiment, all kept within the constraints of that little box above your wall.)
We have learned to be cryptic, putting the undefined "you" in particular statuses that deal with emotional releases of some sort (even though everyone knows who you are referring to... including that person, let's be honest here.)
But, okay, the real reason why Facebook is a great learning tool?
Just within the past two days, it has led me on intense Google searches to find the correct way to spell the plural form of "ellipsis", and taught me that "eggnog" is in fact one word, not two.
Point made.
Oh, I am so relieved to know facebook is educational. NOT!