Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A Couple of Things I Would Like to Say to a Couple of Lovely People...

To avoid lashing out in person and potentially killing someone, I would like to take this opportunity to express my feelings towards some certain individuals in a safe manner. Here goes.

Dear __________,
I hate your class so so much, I hate the subject that you teach, and if I have to take another semester that you teach, I might jump out a building. You are the most confusing woman I have ever met. Thanks for the work you are doing in destroying my GPA.

Dear __________,
First of all, I would like to mention that some of us are taking classes other than yours. While I do enjoy your class, you give a heck of a lot of homework. Also, I wish you would stop being such a guy about everything. When I ask you a question, I mean it in the way that the question makes sense due to the context of our conversation...not in the most literal translation that you can come up with. This would save a lot of time that I spend re-explaining myself and trying to make you understand that what I am asking is really not that difficult.

Dear __________,
You drive me insane. Not only do you get like freaking 90's on all of our quizzes, which makes me angry because no one should be doing well in this class, you mumble like I have never heard and you ask questions that make absolutely no sense. You are obviously talented in this subject area... but it would save like 8 years of our lives if you would stop asking these nonsensical questions in your annoying "I'm a frat guy and i don't care" voice. Thanks.

Oh So Much Love...

1 comment:

  1. Well, I knew 2 out of 3! this is a healthy outlet for you, honey :)
