If you ever wake up one morning thinking "My hair looks so boring. I think I'll dye it with streaks of some color resembling an orange highlighter..." please don't.
You will spend the next 12 hours trying to devise a scheme to "fix" it, which will involve a polling of your family members in an attempt to determine the proper color to re-dye your hair, a trip to Rite-Aid, and finally an intense hair dying session where you try to blend together all of the assorted colors that are currently in your hair [the results of previous bad ideas] by putting "light reddish blonde" over the whole thing.
In the end, my hair doesn't look too crazy, but it was certainly a process to get it here :)
This is not to say that I won't get bored with my hair again and dye it some other insane color in a few months because I'm sure I will, BUT... if you're going for orange, stay away from the highlighter shade. :)
Like the hair, honey.