Thursday, December 15, 2011

Winter Break, Warp-Speed Showers & Angry Children.

1. Ethnomusicology/EfNOmusicology/When-the-&*%!-am-I-Ever-Going-to-Use-This-Information-ology (call it what you will) is officially OVER. I took the final, I did my stupid presentation on Bollywood in which I talked about this famous chick named Deepika Somethingorother who is the international spokesperson for Maybelline... and now I am done. This is a wonderful thing. Part of me will miss a FEW things about that class, but, overall, this is good.

2. I am about to take a shower in the theatre building. For those of you who haven't read my previous post, I SLEPT in this building the night before last. The amount of time I spend in here is borderline ridiculous. BUT ... here is the thing: our hot water heater at home is broken.

If you have talked to me for more than 20 minutes, I have probably informed you that having dirty hair is one of my biggest pet peeves. It drives me absolutely insane, and I feel like I might as well just not exist on the planet for the time that my hair is swimming in grease. (I know...gross visual, but accurate. I may be twenty, but my hair thinks I am still eleven.)

So, I like to wash my hair. But every time I get in the shower at home, it's like "oh, here is some hot water while you put shampoo in your hair but OH WAIT NOW IT IS GONE." and my shower turns into a mad dash to get the heck out of there asap.

SO... showers happen at school. This place contains hot water. Problem solved.

EXCEPT OH WAIT: Christmas break begins this evening so I will not be at school anymore. Our water heater will not be fixed until Tuesday. Everyone's excited about this.

3. Fun Fact: This week, I gave a presentation which included hand-made "puppets". I found faces for these puppets by google image searching things such as: "angry girl", "angry boy" and "Flo Progressive Commercial". Yeah. Thanks, Google.

That's all for now...



Wednesday, December 14, 2011

I Do Not Live On Campus...But I've Been Creeping Around Here All Night Long. (the terror that is exam week)

6:04 am.

handing in this paper involved a ridiculous amount of complications:

1. i don’t live on campus, so i decided to camp out in the theatre building to write my paper. in the middle of the night, when i had FINALLY finished writing it, i trekked from the theatre building to another building where they had a computer lab and a printer.

2. printed off the paper. needed a staple for it. there was no stapler in the computer lab.

3. back to the theatre building for said staple. the door to the theatre locked behind me when i left.

4. by the grace of god, a campus police man had come to let some other girl into the theatre building, so i got let in and could staple the stupid thing.

5. off through the cold to the building where my paper was due. it was locked.

6. i stood out in the cold for a few minutes until (again, by ridiculous magic) some kid happened to be walking out of there at 5:30 in the morning. he let me in.

7. i find my teacher’s office where my paper needs to go. it is behind a locked door. (SERIOUSLY?! I AM LITERALLY ONE DOOR AWAY FROM BEING DONE WITH THIS.)

8. i recall from half an hour ago that campus police unlocks random doors in the middle of the night.

9. my phone has 10% battery. it’s now or never. i call campus police and sound ridiculous, explaining to them that i literally needed to get into that corridor NOW to slip my paper in the envelope outside the door to her office or else i knew i would fall asleep right there in the hallway and never wake up again and miss the deadline and fail my class. i get put on hold while the lady sees if she can help me. i have to listen to elevator music while i try not to pass out on the phone.

10. the lady sends this guy over to unlock the door. my life is complete.

11. this is the same guy who unlocked the other building from before. he asked if i’d gotten my staple. we are sort of friends now.


13. back through the cold to the theatre building.

14. i am currently on a prop couch outside the faculty offices & i intend on sleeping here after i post this and then somehow making the hour drive back to my house. i have another final to study for today.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Sondheim, Wagner, Candy, Coffee, Cat.

On My Bed:
One cat.
One king size Kit Kat bar
One 20 oz. cup of Turkey Hill coffee. Irish cream and vanilla flavor shots. Vanilla creamer. Vanilla and chocolate powder in the shake-y containers. (I made this myself.)
6 Books. I have yet to open any of them.

Awake, but unfocused.

TIME: 11:11 pm.
Wish: It's a secret.

The Task: Finish this Paper.

Ready, Set, Go.