Friday, August 27, 2010

Good Morning.

This week, I have been ridiculously emotional.
Like... I'm an emotional person, but this has been totally over the top for me.
I need to go drink some tea and .b.r.e.a.t.h.e.

In other news, my hair is back to basically my natural color and not as blonde as it was when I bleached it to try to fix all the awful colors I dyed my hair this summer. So maybe I can let it grow in like a normal person this time. My natural color is actually like a light brown... I might even like it better than the blonde I've had forever.


Thursday, August 26, 2010

Because I Feel Like I Should Write Something...

i feel like i should update this because i haven't in a few days, so here is a list of some of the things going on in my head right now:

1. summer is ending. what the heck. please slow down.
2. i am bringing like 2 outfits to school this year. when they both end up in a pile on my floor, my room will still look decently neat, which is what i'm striving for.
3. i am also going to be absurdly organized this year. i've decided. let's do this. i need to go buy a planner.
4. i have my car. i am going exploring at school.
5. my sister came over to visit tonight and i love her a lot. she is really just so cool and i love when i get to tell people we're related. :)
6. i ate dinner at like 10:30 tonight.
7. i'm in one of those moods where i listen to the same song over and over again.
8. i'm also really tired.
9. i've been thinking too much lately, but the stuff that's ending up in this list is mundane compared to all the ridiculousness swirling around in my mind.
10. i should probably go to bed.


Saturday, August 21, 2010

Dear YOU...

You= whoever is reading this.

If you go to my school, we should both introduce each other to all of our friends so we can both have lots of new friends and go on adventures.

If you, or any of your friends, have any ideas for places to go for adventures, let me know.

In other news, if you see me on campus attempting to buy a Starbucks, tackle me. I will not be going through the money on my JAC card like I did last year......which means less Starbucks and fewer trips to the vending machine.



Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Some Reasons I'm Glad I Will Never Be a Freshman Again:

I was trying to get rid of some pictures and came across ones from the beginning of freshman year...

Reason Number One: I never have to sit through orientation.
One of the events we had to go to was so boring that I took a picture of my leg.

Reason Number Two: I now know that I do not have to take a picture of or with every item of school paraphernalia.

Reason Number Three: I will not ride this ridiculous bus unless I have to. I will drive my car because I am a freaking sophomore and I can.

Reason Number Four: I have learned the art of dying your hair unnatural colors. If you choose to turn your hair blue, do not dye the piece of hair that I did in that picture.

Reason Number Five: I WILL NEVER HAVE TO TAKE THIS CLASS AGAIN. "Reasons I'm Glad to Be Out of Critical Thinking" could be a list in itself...


Saturday, August 14, 2010

Folk Dancing with the Children

Today= the half-day of dance camp where I take a ballet class and have some lady move my arms in all sorts of uncomfortable positions that look better than whatever I'd been running around with before, and then take the class of death.


Yes, I am being over-dramatic, and it's actually hysterical, because this class is so absurd that all you can do is laugh.

Today was no exception.

Not only did we learn complicated and confusing line dances that required way more hopping around than necessary...we also had a little surprise today.

We are in the middle of this Israeli line dance, having learned words in Hebrew that I assumed we were supposed to chant while we did this.

The teacher turns on the music, starts leading us in the dance, and then goes "Sing!"

Today, I had my first ever experience with Hebrew karaoke.
It was a good time.


Thursday, August 12, 2010

Pros and Cons.

The Pros and Cons to being in dance classes with a bunch of small children:

Pro: They like you because you're older.

Con: They shout "SHE'S NINETEEN!" to inform the teacher, as if it is not blatantly obvious that I am a little bit past eleven.

Pro: You're automatically pretty "cool".

Con: ...which makes them want to see your phone, your ipod, etc.

Pro: They ask you lots of questions.

Con: ...they ask you lots of questions. (So you live in Pennsylvania? Do you like it there? Who's that girl with you on the background of your phone? What's her name? Do you live at home? Do you have any brothers or sisters? How old are they? What are their names? Do you want to leave California? Do you like college? How do you color your hair by yourself? What kind of conditioner do you use?)

Pro: You get to do their hair and get cute excuses like "When I put it up, it always falls out" and "If the teacher asks me to put my hair in a ponytail, will you do it for me?"

Con: They talk to you incessantly and want to tell you every monotonous detail of their lives.

Pro: They share food with you at lunchtime.

Con: Apparently, sharing food is a form of bonding, and then it becomes okay for them to attach themselves to you for the rest of the day.

Pro: You can goof off and be a kid!

Con: They're ridiculously blunt. ("You look REALLY tired." "When you tell people you age, you should tell them you're fifteen.")

Pro: They're cute :)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

One Day When I'm Older...

One day when I'm older...

1. My hair will be curly. It doesn't even matter that my hair is not naturally curly and that instead it is naturally ridiculous... one day when i'm older it will look like this:

2. I will not destroy myself with self-tanning lotion like I like to do sometimes. I will not look like this:

3. I will not ruin my hair with awful unattractive colors. I will not feel like this after I have finished dying my hair:


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Oh Hey There, August.

Time flies, doesn't it?

There are so many things I want to do, so many experiences I want to have...

And time waits for no one... so I might as well get going.

Some of the first orders of business for when I get back to school:

Have as many random adventures as possible.
Make as many new friends as possible.
Explore downtown.
And beyond downtown.
Become a planner: set up get-togethers!
Enjoy the area I'm in...see everything there is to see and do everything there is to do.
Live in the present & make the most of it.


Monday, August 2, 2010

"I am Queen of the Swans."

Today= Dance Camp.

Mime class.
Telling the story of Swan Lake with movement.

Swan Lake= "The Swan Princess" in my book, so already I knew this was gonna be good. :)

I'm taking class with this lady who is dead serious about what she's doing, which made it even harder to keep a straight face while I ran around like a bird, hid from the prince who had a crossbow, and explained to him that "I am Queen of the Swans", while our teacher coached us through the motions by adding her own special dialogue: "THERE. THAT LAKE. That is the lake of my mothers' tears." Dead serious.

Haha. Life is good. :)

Go follow my friend Sarah's awesome blog!! she's super fierce. <3


Sunday, August 1, 2010

End of the Hair Saga and Some Angst for the Week.

The hair is back to blonde, (ish. enough for me.) so we're back in business.

I know for sure there won't be any more dramatic posts about my hair, because it's staying this color unless I want it falling out in hunks onto the floor...which i don't, really.

On another unrelated/teenage angst-ish note... why does life have to be so complicated all the time?

If anyone has the answer to this one, feel free to fill me in, because I'd sure like to know.
